About Me

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Mummy of 2 kids. Irfan Nazhif & Iris Nazhifa. Alhamdullilah Allah. Thank you for dropping by.. B safe. lots of love from me.. Remember, Trust Allah & live our life in the right path..:)


Dear All.
If your answer for both question below are YES, come n pay a visit at our blog & view our collection....U might be able to find wat ure looking for..:)

1 ) hardly find a nice blouse  cotton, & its emboidery??
2 ) yet to travel to oversea especially indonesia to buy nice blouse? 

Here, at Beautiful Blouse, we have Cotton Blouse, its imported, its rare design with embroidery..This is our 1st try out product, we may bring lots more items from indonesia especially..

Let's have a tour  to this blog............:)